Business Continuity

We respond to major events that could disrupt business operations — such as natural disasters and pandemics — with comprehensive business continuity action plans. These plans are designed to minimize adverse effects to our people, customers, shareholders, suppliers and assets. They are well documented, communicated across all business units and tested annually to ensure rapid and effective response.

Xerox is a leader in telecommuting practices. When weather, power outages or other work disruptions affect specific geographic areas, we often are able to continue our high level of service by redirecting the affected activities to employees and/or systems in other locations.

As an example, severe winter weather forced the closure of our American Logistics Center for parts and supplies. In accordance with our business continuity action plan, we routed requests to distribution centers throughout the U.S. and set up regional locations to fulfill the requests. In doing so, we protected our people and assets while meeting our customers’ needs.

Safety always is our top concern. Often, local customers experience the same work interruptions; that is why communicating with clients and other stakeholders is paramount.

Our Business Continuity Program Office is responsible for the business continuity assurance process. All Xerox organizations assess their plans against a standard set of criteria and report the status during operational reviews.

Ranked #9 on CRN’s Solution Provider 500 ranking of the top solution provider organizations in North America