Przejdź do treści zasadniczejW razie pytań dotyczących ułatwień dostępu należy zapoznać się z treścią odpowiedniego oświadczenia (po kliknięciu) albo skontaktować się z nami.

The more we do, the more you can do.

Technology has ushered in an era of smarter, more flexible working. Capitalizing on this means organizations must become the smart workplaces of the future.

Hybrid working is one trend that has come to define the past few years. While some organizations have initiated return-to-office policies, flexibility is likely to remain a key consideration for both workers and employers. The challenge is ensuring that working practices attract and support workers without compromising on productivity, efficiency, and security.

“Our market research shows that companies are looking to ‘work smarter’ and streamline processes to free up employees for mission-critical work, so it’s no surprise that digital transformation is now at the core of almost every IT initiative.”

— Jamie Bsales, Principal Analyst of Smart Workplace and Security Analysis at Keypoint Intelligence

For the sixth consecutive year, Xerox has been named winner of the Buyers Lab 2024 Smart Workplace Solutions Line of the Year Award by Keypoint Intelligence.

“In our annual study, Xerox improved upon-its past award-winning showings thanks to continued advancement in key areas. Notably, the company can provide IDP and RPA workflow automation solutions to streamline common chores and free up knowledge workers for higher-value tasks.”

— Jamie Bsales, Principal Analyst of Smart Workplace and Security Analysis at Keypoint Intelligence

The award highlights our “unmatched portfolio of traditional document imaging software solutions along with unique apps and cloud service” and how we help organizations meet the challenges of the modern workplace.

A focus on a high-performing hybrid workforce

Tools and solutions that take every day, routine tasks and let technology do the heavy lifting—automated jobs can virtually take care of themselves, without time-consuming manual intervention from people. These solutions enable a productive and secure hybrid work environment.

Solving common workplace challenges

If remote workers can’t access the same systems or information as their in-office colleagues, they may become frustrated or less productive. Xerox allows these workers to use the same tools as those at the office and so overcome this challenge.

Putting it all together

A solutions portfolio is “just part of the equation,” according to KeyPoint. Xerox moves beyond just our solutions to identify business process inefficiencies and help streamline business best practices.

We make it possible for organizations to embark on a digital transformation process that is targeted on delivering results from Day One.

Find out more about how we can help you meet the challenges of the modern workplace.

BLI 2024 Smart Workplace Solutions Line of the Year Seal
Glass trophies lined up

Xerox Awards

Xerox products & services have received some of the industry’s top honors including Pacesetter, Keypoint Intelligence – Buyers Lab & other workplace awards.

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