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Cisco’s Identity Services Engine Helps Secure Your Xerox Printer. Here’s How.

In the world of the “internet of things,” your printer is a thing on the internet.

That simple fact allows your printer to communicate with a growing number of PCs, smartphones and computers, which means your printer is an integral part of automated workflow processes for your decentralised workforce. That’s a good thing because this connectivity and machine-to-machine communication gives your workers more flexibility and mobility than ever before.

You have software that detects viruses and malware on your computers, and detects intruders on your network. But are printers included in your security plan?

Your security solution must know which users and machines are allowed to communicate with your printer as well as which ones are not. Moreover, because your printer is sending and receiving information over the network, comprehensive security should include the device as well as the network.

Cisco’s Identity Services Engine (ISE) is such a solution. It is integrated on over 200 Xerox printers, including all 29 of the ConnectKey-enabled VersaLink and AltaLink printers. Now, your printers and MFPs are more than smart workplace assistants; they are also true network citizens. Cisco ISE allows you to:

  • Gain control over security and simplify printer fleet implementation through auto detection and classification of Xerox printers.

  • Comply with security policies by centrally identifying, monitoring, and managing devices.

  • More easily implement custom security policies for devices to prevent inappropriate access.

  • Firewall devices to prevent access in restricted areas.

  • Automatically prevent non-approved print devices from connecting to the network.

  • Receive real-time policy violation alerts and extensive reporting of device network activity.

  • Block non-printers from connecting to ports assigned to printers.

Learn more

Read the white paper,Xerox and Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE).

View the list of Xerox printers, multifunction printers, and production presses that are profiled in Cisco’s Identity Services Engine.

Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 1.5 MB)
