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employee profiles engineering innovation

Engineering and Innovation

Xerox engineers and innovators develop new technologies, products and solutions that customers depend on to improve business results.


Equipment Modeling and Data Analysis Team

On his business group:

We use our extensive knowledge of Xerox products and internal Xerox tools to provide teams with the most accurate, cost-effective Xerox products in an engagement.

We provide the most efficient equipment configuration for the future state of the client, cutting down on the client’s wasteful products and increasing the utilization of the future-state products.

On his team:

Our team has 3 members and we each are responsible for owning a number of engagements that come across our desks. At the same time, we develop tools that will help us become more efficient in our responsibilities.

On his role:

To fulfill our responsibilities, we are given data to a specific granular level in which we build up an accurate picture of the current state of the client using logical, data-driven decisions. When this current state is built, we bring it to the sales team for approval before modeling the future state.

Best part of his job:

The fact that each engagement is different and needs an individual solution. Also, from my position, I am able to see a complete picture of how the Xerox business operates and that I am in a fast-moving, fast-paced position.

Why he joined Xerox:

I am a recent college graduate and the reputation of Xerox and the ability to work in a position in which I am making an instant contribution and learn an incredible amount of real-world business objectives was very ideal.

On his future at Xerox:

I hope to move up in Xerox and continue my education so, when I return back to business school, I will be able to make a very easy connection and simple transition between the classroom and the real world.


Global Development Group, Electrical Engineer Global Product Delivery

On her role:

Right now, my team works on circuit board designs for really big, high-volume printers. We start with project requirements, and my team brainstorms ways to build them faster, smarter and cheaper – while still satisfying the business requirements of the customer. Sometimes we work alone, sometimes as a team, but we all collaborate really well.

On her team:

Our work touches many groups, and we work closely with many other areas of Xerox. My team works with both mechanical and software components of Xerox devices. We’re a pretty tight group, and half of us are from outside the States. We’re also all really young. This helps us work really well together, we’re always sharing and pushing each other’s ideas.

On networking and communication:

When I joined Xerox, I didn’t know anyone here. I also didn’t know anyone in Rochester. In order to help welcome other new hires, I helped found the Xerox Young Professionals Group. The group conducts social and networking events. It also includes a popular blog that’s getting more and more traffic from VPs and company leaders. They post on the blog, answer questions and join in the discussions. It’s amazing how many people share their knowledge here.

On the best part of her job:

There are a few best parts, but most involve working with other people. That makes my day. I work with so many teams and on interesting projects. Also, my involvement in the Xerox Young Professionals Group keeps me in touch with people throughout Xerox. I really enjoy helping Xerox recruit on college campuses. That’s when I can talk directly to students about my experiences and about their potential.

On her future at Xerox:

Where am I going? Really, I have no idea. Obviously, I want to move around because there’s so much to do at Xerox. But in the short term I’ll probably move somewhere I can get a higher-level view of the machines that we work on. That’s probably the natural next step for me. However, anything’s possible here.


Principal Scientist and Project Lead Xerox Innovation Group

On what he does:

At the end of the day, printing is judged by one thing: Image quality. And that’s what I focus on. My team of scientists and engineers performs experiments and develops new product prototypes for high-quality color printing. Think of us as the team that develops concept cars for the auto industry. We develop and discover the innovations and ideas that make Xerox printers even better.

On his career at Xerox:

I came to Xerox with some experience and a Ph.D. The first thing I noticed was the freedom that I had to define my role within the organization. I also had no idea so much went into a laser printer. Xerox had the kinds of technology I wanted to work on. And we still do.

On the best part of his job

Everyone wants pictures to be prettier and prettier. And Xerox has been clear about communicating the goal of growth in color printing. As a scientist, we can contribute directly to that. If we can improve image quality, we can make a difference. We can come up with a clever way to do something that no one else thought of.

On his future with Xerox:

I’m a technical guy and pretty biased towards technology. The things we do are amazing. Right now in my role, I have the freedom to work on solutions. Any solutions. That’s what I love to do. Some day, I’ll make the move to another area of the company, and when I do, Xerox will support me every step of the way. But that day can wait.

On what he’s most proud of:

My team worked on the current release of our flagship product: iGen4. The iGen4 is a shining example of our commitment to color printing. We’re able to compete directly with offset printing. And one of the reasons for that is an automatic density control that eliminates streakiness in the image. This process took years to develop, and I was part of it from the beginning.

On why you should choose Xerox:

Xerox is a technology player who has made the digital transition. And the breadth of our technology is outstanding. Also, my interest is to apply mathematical algorithms for image quality. And Xerox put me in a position to work on that.
