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Accounts Payable Automation for Xerox® DocuShare® Flex Webinar

Access the on-demand webinar.

According to AIIM, the average cost of manually processing an invoice is $12.50. And the average time for processing is 7 days — 30 for many.

Accounts Payable Automation for Xerox® DocuShare® Flex is the simple way to bring digital transformation to your accounts payable department — automating your manual processes and making it easy to manage invoices better. With this packaged cloud content management solution, you can streamline invoice processing and payments, accelerate approvals and lower costs — at the level that makes sense for your organization.

Access the on-demand webinar to hear how Accounts Payable Automation for Xerox® DocuShare® Flex can help you modernize your approach to invoices.


Xerox® DocuShare® Flex

Transform your workspace and enhance workflows with document capture, management, and sharing made easy.

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Accounts Payable Automation for Xerox® DocuShare® Flex Webinar

Access the on-demand webinar. Simply fill out the form below.

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