Liitettävyys aiheuttaa kyberhyökkäysten riskin, mutta ConnectKey®-tekniikkamme suojaa uhkia vastaan tehokkaalla tulostin- ja tietoturvalla.
Valitse jatkuvasti kehittyvästä appsien valikoimasta mitä tahansa pilviliitännöistä vertikaalisiin ratkaisuihin. Kaikki on kätesi ulottuvilla ohjauspaneelissa.
CareAR® Instruct tarjoaa pääsyn visuaalisesti kaiken kattavaan, omatoimiseen ohjeelliseen tuotesisältöön missä ja milloin tahansa — suoraan mobiililaitteellasi.
Outstanding Color Printer for Mid-Size Workgroups
“Very easy to use and flawlessly reliable, the Xerox VersaLink C400 Series can be counted on to keep work moving smoothly,”
Editor’s Choice Award
“Ease of setting up the printer without IT involvement, reasonable operating costs, wireless and mobile functionality."
Tilaa sopimuksessasi mainittuja tarvikkeita Xerox-tilinhallinnan portaali kautta. Sitä varten tarvitset koneesi sarjanumeron ja uusimman mittarilukeman.
Buy a qualifying Xerox C410 and you can claim 70 € cashback from Xerox. Väittäen on yksinkertaine
Buy a full set of Xerox Genuine toner in the last 6 months of each year's warranty and you can extend the coverage for another year - for free.
Lisätietoja.“Free Extended Warranty” program from Xerox is a renewable 12 month Xerox warranty free to claim for up to 4 years, subject to buying a full set of specific Xerox brand supplies within 6 months preceding the end of the existing warranty, no lapses in warranty cover allowed. Terms are found here. Applies only to specific equipment and supplies purchased during the period stated in the Terms in United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland from Xerox or a reseller in those locations. Supplies must be sourced from within the EEA and Switzerland. Eligibility is determined by Xerox (may cease after pagecount reached, or due to working condition and product obsolescence).