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Xerox Captures CRN 5-Star Rating for Robust Global Partner Program

Top marks distinguish the Xerox® Global Partner Program in The Channel Company’s 2024 Partner Program Guide for the seventh consecutive year.

The Channel Company’s annual Partner Program Guide is the definitive listing of the most rewarding partner programs from technology companies that provide products and services through the IT channel. The 5-Star rating is awarded to an elite group of companies that offer channel partners the best of the best in their partner programs. The 2024 Xerox® Global Partner Program stands among the best technology suppliers in the IT channel, providing maximum value and support for partners.

The Channel Company’s 5-Star Rating is based on several factors, including investments in program offerings, partner profitability, partner training, education and support, marketing programs and resources, sales support, and communication. The Xerox® Global Partner Program helps partners succeed in today's evolving world, providing tools, expertise, and support to deliver innovative solutions to meet customers' unique requirements.

The 2024 Partner Program Guide will be featured in the April issue of CRN® and is online at www.CRN.com/ppg.

The Channel Co CRN - Partner Program Guide Winner 2024 logo

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