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It’s a familiar challenge to any company: Increase volume while maintaining quality.

But it was a specific issue for Adare SEC.

The integrated communications firm delivers multichannel customer communication solutions across a range of print and digital sectors. But it needed to overcome a production hurdle ― amplifying volume without a drop in quality. The Xerox® Baltoro® HF Inkjet Press met the challenge and exceeded expectations, increasing capacity by 109%, delivering not just high-speed performance but exceptional value and brilliant color.

“We need a new tool in the toolbox,” said Steve Hickling, Production Director at Adare. “The solution is the Baltoro for us.”

Adare SEC production staff noticed the increased gamut and depth of color immediately. Baltoro’s direct-to-media imaging uses High Fusion Ink to bond to paper without any primers or precoats, enabling vibrant color, dramatic resolution and all-around brilliant results on a range of media.

Receita para o sucesso da Adare: Impressora Jato de Tinta Xerox Baltoro HF YouTube Video

Baltoro also offers a solid alternative to toner devices that companies like Adare SEC are looking for, using less ink and creating less waste. Because it can do more with less, the business achieved a high-level of consolidation across their fleet, combining 4 devices across 2 sites. Upon installation they were able to produce more exciting and secure documents for their clients while reducing annual costs by $327,000.

Working with Xerox for support, training and servicing made bringing the new inkjet technology onboard seamless, productive and profitable. Adare SEC was able to expand their client marketing thanks to the advanced functionality and scalability, and is better able to address more demanding graphic arts needs and brand-sensitive applications.

“It’s providing fantastic output, fantastic support and service, combined with the benefits of a reciprocal relationship with Xerox,” said Tom Prestwich, Chief Operation Officer at Adare. “I think we’ve got a fantastic recipe for success.”

Featured Technology

Impressora jato de tinta Xerox® Baltoro® HF Inkonomics amplified means more print, more profit and more savings.

Workflow Software Xerox production print workflow software can expand your reach, streamline processes and reduce costs.

Digital Printing Applications Tap into new markets and discover huge business potential with high-value digital printing applications.

The job is not done until it’s finished!

Impressora jato de tinta Xerox® Baltoro® HF

Desempenho inovador e economia entregues através da inovação inspirada

  • Permite novas oportunidades de aplicações em uma variedade e mídia offset revestida, incluindo brilhante, com módulo Color Accelerator opcional com tinta de alta fusão

  • O melhor custo total de propriedade do setor, capacitado pela Automated Intelligence

  • Engine de impressão de alta fusão com Xerox High Fusion W-Series Inkjet Heads, oferece alta definição verdadeira com resolução de 1200 x 1200 dpi

  • Plataforma escalável modular para máxima proteção do investimento

Valor. Volume. Velocidade. Impressora de Jato de Tinta Xerox® Baltoro HF YouTube Video

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