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Doctor and nurse

Service de gestion d'impression

See how Xerox helped Somers Eye Center cut monthly costs and processes with the right devices and Xerox Intelligent Workplace Services.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

Police card on a city street

Service de gestion d'impression

£650,000 savings on print with Xerox help Avon and Somerset maintain policing excellence despite funding cuts.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

Busy office with a Xerox VersaLink C505 MFP

Service de gestion d'impression

The City of New York is saving money, printing less and working more securely with Xerox® Managed Print Services.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

people in conference room

Service de gestion d'impression

Innovation Solutions worked closely with Xerox and Superwave to monitor costs and print volume and developed a plan to reduce costs.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

man standing at computer

Service de gestion d'impression

See how Xerox® Managed Print Services solution was able to help support Dimco's growing business needs.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

global professional services journey paperless future

Service de gestion d'impression

See how we’re helping a firm print better today and go paperless tomorrow.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

Man using tablet in a retail store

Service de gestion d'impression

Xerox® Managed Print Services helped Baumax eliminate inefficiencies and optimize their equipment fleet.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

washington dc monument

Service de gestion d'impression

See how this university is using resources more strategically with Xerox® Managed Print Services.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

general mps 09

Service de gestion d'impression

From managing printer fleets to streamlining document output management, our print management solutions can help. 


2 mai 2021