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Police card on a city street

Savings on Print with Xerox® Services Help Avon and Somerset Maintain Policing Excellence Despite Funding Cuts

In the face of funding reductions, Avon and Somerset needed to make operational efficiencies to maintain policing levels without dipping into reserves. Xerox® Services are contributing to those aims by generating print-related savings of at least £650,000 over two years.

Read the case study to see how our Document Publishing and Production, and Managed Print Services enable the force to make savings, increase information security, and transform citizen communications.

Read the case study

Avon and Somerset Police case study highlights:

  • £650,000 savings on bulk print over two years, contributing to maintenance of policing levels

  • Secure, cost-efficient office printing using robust MFPs with high uptime

  • Further savings and process improvements using Xerox® Hybrid Mail Service

  • Partnership for ongoing digital transformation

A row of people using mobile devices

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