Graph Expo 2011 Edition
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The manual system also failed to provide an accurate means to
track work in progress or historical data. “You can’t tell by looking
at a pile of paper what the due dates or volume expectations
are,” says John Nestor, Print Center Manager. “With WebCRD we
can quickly analyze our on-demand business and have accurate
measurements of our volumes, turnaround performance and
on-time percentage.”
UPMC Has Been Leveraging RSA Technology
for Years
The UPMC Print Center installed M.I.S. Print™ in 1996 so their
legacy LCDS and Metacode jobs could be printed on high-speed
PostScript printers. In 2006, UPMC added QDirect™ to further
automate job management and accounting. Then in 2009, they
added WebCRD to fully automate on-demand job submission,
improve forms ordering accuracy and reduce the number of
touchpoints in their workflow. Now all these innovative software
solutions are running in tandem to print Explanation of Benefits
EOB) forms, patient statements, clinical results, lab reports and
even financials for the University from the mainframe.
WebCRD Delivers the Key Benefits
UPMC Needs
An online catalog allows users to view content and revision dates
to ensure they are ordering the correct materials. Previously, they
would have to wait until they received the job to validate content.
As a healthcare facility bound by Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, certain notices need
to be posted in all areas of the hospital. Now, if a notice needs to
be changed, the print shop can immediately identify who ordered
a particular sign through the WebCRD catalog and inform them.
Users can track orders in real time. Before the solution, users
would have to call the print shop repeatedly, which affected
productivity for both parties. Now the print center handles
more jobs with faster turnaround due to WebCRD’s automated
production management
) that eliminates four
touches and manual tasks like job reticketing.
Focused on continuous improvement
UPMC plans to continue improving workflow automation and
cost-effectively keeping more work in-house by expanding
their use of features like WebCRD Dynamics™ variable data
and personalization module. “WebCRD Dynamics™ allows us to
offer our customers variable data printing. The first application
was enterprise appointment cards and saved UPMC more than
$30,000 per year on this one type of job that was previously
sent to an outside vendor. We plan to add more templates for
printing jobs like business cards and stationery and look forward
to achieving even more savings,” says Lead Process Engineer
Phyllis Szymanski.
Elisha Kasinskas is Senior Marketing Manager at
RSA develops web-to-print,
scan to print center, output management and data center
transform solutions. RSA is a Xerox Platinum partner and
has won the software partner of the year a record 11 times.