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Xerox VersaLink touchscreen with computers on tables in the background

Kancelářská zařízení

Highly configurable and cloud-connected, VersaLink workplace assistants are ready to work today, grow tomorrow.


10. 6. 2021

Boris Makarenkov, operational director, T8

Produkční tisk

A digital book printer explains why his business provides a huge value to publishers, and how Xerox supports them.


11. 5. 2021

Commentators talking about digital presses

Produkční tisk

Versant® Presses can send the fiercest foes packing, helping you free up the resources to meet your greatest production demands.


5. 5. 2021

high fusion inks

Produkční tisk

Print experts took the High Fusion Inkjet vs. Offset Challenge with high confidence, but just 10% passed the test.


3. 5. 2021

Books with colorful covers arranged in a geometric pattern

Produkční tisk

Four book printers discuss how the digital book market is evolving and accelerating, and how Xerox supports them.


3. 5. 2021

gco book catalogues events hunkeler

Produkční tisk

Printers share their thoughts on what’s really going on in the industry.


3. 5. 2021

College professor teaching a class

Produkční tisk

Attracting customers can be challenging. Sometimes traditional methods just aren’t enough.


3. 5. 2021

whats next in personal print

Produkční tisk

Discover how you can maximise documents already destined for the mail-stream with hyper-targeted marketing messages.


3. 5. 2021

europart streamlines document management

Řízené tiskové služby

Learn how streamlining printer hardware, automating maintenance, and enabling access on-the-go can help keep your print environment efficient and effective.


2. 5. 2021