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Xerox Workflow Automation Solution for Vendor Neutral Archive – Healthcare Providers

Spend less time storing, sharing and searching for data and more time supporting a higher level of informed care via a more complete patient record.

Xerox Workflow Automation Solution for Vendor Neutral Archive provides a single storage platform to standardize and centralize medical imaging studies and other patient data from multiple vendor Picture Archive Communication Systems (PACS).

Our solution stores Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) data (i.e. X-rays, MRIs, CT scans), non-DICOM data (i.e., EKGs, wound care photos), documents and reports in their native formats and consolidates all forms of clinical content into one expandable repository.

Workflow Automation for Vendor Neutral Archive can help healthcare providers:

  • Centralize clinical content and improve access to a more complete patient record.

  • Integrate with your existing EMR.

  • Store and archive DICOM and non-DICOM data in its native format.

  • Improve patient-centric workflow with lifecycle management and data sharing tools.

  • Support short-term, long-term and redundant storage as well as disaster recovery.

  • Reduce human and capital expenses.

Doctor and nurse

Serviços da Xerox® para a área de saúde

Melhore as experiências dos utentes com comunicações omnicanais.
