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Person writing on a pad of paper while using a tablet, with a laptop nearby

Banking Gets Better with Xerox® DocuShare®

Volksbank Romania was buried under a mountain of paper. 8.5 million pages of loan contracts, combined with paper-heavy processing, made it difficult to process requests quickly and put a strain on their client relationships.

With Xerox® DocuShare®, Volksbank Romania now has time on their side. They can find the information they need instantly. And they have more flexibility to respond to client needs.


  • Better control over document management costs

  • Secure and accurate digital storage of sensitive documents

  • Instant access to documents and files

  • Faster and more convenient application processing

  • More flexibility to meet client needs

See how you can manage your content and processes more effectively with Xerox® DocuShare®.

Male professional using devices

Xerox® DocuShare®

La forma más fácil de acceder, compartir y colaborar, en el lugar de trabajo o en la nube.

Perspectiva sobre administración de contenido empresarial

Explore archivos PDF, videos, infografías y más acerca de este tema.

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