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Xerox® DocuShare® ranked as a leader in G2’s “Spring 2021 Enterprise Content Management Grid® Report”

User ratings-based report helps businesses make ECM technology buying decisions, and positions Xerox® DocuShare® as a leader

One of the first keys to transitioning to a digital workplace is better managing your organization’s content, whether it be paper-based or digital. The Spring 2021 Enterprise Content Management Grid® report takes a user reviews-based approach to helping businesses look at the market. It includes comparative ratings and scores of the major ECM vendors. Included is the satisfaction rating that compares Xerox® DocuShare® to competitors in:

  • File Management

  • Workflow

  • Platform

The report also looks at additional data such as the customer segment served, implementation, user adoption and return on investment (ROI), along with market presence. Positive user reviews have consistently led to a top 10 ranking of Xerox® DocuShare® in several areas including:

  • Best ROI

  • Smoothest Implementation

  • Most Usable Software

  • Easiest to Do Business With

To get details on Xerox DocuShare as a leader in the field, fill out the form below.

Thank you for your interest in Xerox DocuShare. A Xerox representative will be contacting you soon.

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