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WorkCentre® 6515

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Витратні матеріали та аксесуари


Номер за каталогом Опис Місткість
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, картридж з блакитним тонером стандартної ємності
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, картридж з пурпуровим тонером стандартної ємності
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, стандартна ємність жовтого тонера картриджа
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, картридж чорного тонера стандартної ємності
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515 Високопотужний картридж з блакитним тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515 Високопотужний картридж з маджента-тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515 Високопотужний картридж з жовтим тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, картридж чорного тонера великої ємності
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, картридж з блакитним тонером надвисокої продуктивності
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515 Картридж з надвисокої продуктивності з маджента-тонером
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, картридж з жовтим тонером додаткової ємності
Average standard pages based on ISO/IEC testing. The number of pages that customers will get for their own applications will depend on a variety of factors, with page coverage having the highest impact.

Інші витратні матеріали

Номер за каталогом Опис Місткість
VersaLink C600/C605, контейнер для збору відпрацьованого тонера
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, картридж з блакитним друком
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, картридж для друку пурпурового друку
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, картридж з жовтим друком
Phaser 6510/WorkCentre 6515, чорний картридж для друку

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