Ordering Supplies From the Embedded Web Server
To order supplies from the Embedded Web Server:
1. In your computer Web browser, open the Embedded Web Server by typing the IP address of the printer.
2. Go to Home > Supplies.
3. Click Details in the Supplies tab, then click Order Supplies.
4. Click Order on the respective supplier under Buy From.
It shows the complete information of the supplier, such as Supplier Name, Phone Number, and Website URL.
5. To order supplies, click Buy.
It takes you to the web page of your supply provider. You can order your required supplies.
Xerox Retail Store is your default option to order supplies directly from Xerox. Also, in the Order Supplies page, you can view the following information of your printer:
• Supplies Plan
• Supplies Log
6. In the Supplies Log, set the Last Ordered Date and add your Notes.
7. Click Save, then click Close.
For more information about setting up a supplier, refer to the
System Administrator Guide at