Xerox : Learning About : Apps Features
Apps Features
Apps Features
Print From
2-Sided Printing
You can use the 2-sided options to set the device to print one or both sides of a document. For Print jobs, you can specify 1-sided or 2-sided output.
2-sided printing feature supports Print From option
You can collate multiple-page print jobs automatically. For example, when you are making three 1‑sided copies of a six‑page document, the copies are printed in this order:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Collation supports Print From option
Use this option to enter the number of required print copies.
Quantity feature supports Print From option
Paper Supply
Use Paper Supply to specify the size, type and color of the paper required, or the paper tray to use. If Auto is selected, the printer chooses the paper tray based on the original document size and the selected settings.
Paper Supply feature supports Print From option
Image Scale & Placement
Image Scale & Placement allows you to modify the location of the image on the page. You can shift the printed image along the X and Y axes of each sheet of paper.
Image Scale & Placement feature supports Print From option
Use Image Scale & PlacementAuto setting to adjust the image on the page automatically.
Auto feature supports Print From option
Fit to Page; Center; Smart Rotate
Use Image Scale & PlacementFit to Page; Center; Smart Rotate setting to adjust the image on the center of the page.
Fit to Page; Center; Smart Rotate features supports Print From option
Fill Entire Page; Center; Smart Rotate
Use Image Scale & PlacementFill Entire Page; Center; Smart Rotate setting to adjust the image to fill the entire page.
Fill Entire Page; Center; Smart Rotate features supports Print From option
Scale Image
Access additional image adjustment settings from Image Scale & PlacementMoreScale Image.
Scale Image feature supports Print From option
Access additional image adjustment settings from Image Scale & PlacementMoreCenter.
Center feature supports Print From option
Smart Rotate
Access additional image adjustment settings from Image Scale & PlacementMoreSmart Rotate.
Smart Rotate feature supports Print From option