Xerox provides Work Station Customization Object (WSCO) files to support IBM i V6R1 or later. A Work Station Customization Object is a lookup table that the host print transform (HPT) uses to translate AS/400 commands to the equivalent PCL code that is specific to a particular printer. A WSCO file can modify many print features, including: paper input tray, 2-sided printing, characters per inch, lines per inch, orientation, fonts, and margins.
The XTOOLS library provides a source WSCO file for each supported Xerox
® printer or device. The library and installation instructions are available from
To install the XTOOLS library, select the downloadable files for the IBM AS/400 operating system, unzip the downloaded file, then follow the instructions to install the library. Download and install the library only once.
• The host print transform works only on AFPDS and SCS files. To use the WSCO for printing, convert IPDS-formatted printer files to AFPDS files.
• Administrator credentials with IOSYSCFG permissions are required to create a device description or a remote queue.
• For details on AS/400, refer to the IBM AS/400 Printing V, (Red Book), available on the IBM website.