Scaling reduces or enlarges the original document to match the selected output paper size.
• For Windows, the scale options are on the Printing Options tab, in the Paper field.
• For Macintosh, the scale options are in the Print window. To view more printing options, click Show Details.
Note:Not all options described are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to a specific printer model, configuration, operating system, or print driver type.
The following scaling options are available:
• Fit to New Paper Size: This option scales the document to fit the new paper size.
• Change Document Size: Use this setting to match the paper size selected in your application. This option does not change the size of the page image printed on the output paper.
• Automatically Scale: This option scales the document to fit the selected Output Paper Size. The scaling amount appears in the percentage box below the sample image.
• No Scaling: This option does not change the size of the page image printed on the output paper, and 100% appears in the percentage box. If the original document size is larger than the output size, the page image is cropped. If the original document size is smaller than the output size, extra space appears around the page image.
• Manually Scale: This option scales the document by the amount entered in the percentage box below the preview image.