Support Logs
Use the Support Logs feature only if a Xerox service representative instructs you to do so.
Log files are text files of recent device activity that are created and stored in the device in an encrypted format. A Xerox service representative can interpret the files to troubleshoot network problems.
Note:Support logs can include screenshots that are taken at the device control panel.
To capture a screenshot at the control panel, press the Power button, then touch the lower-left corner of the screen. After the screenshot is taken, the file name of the image appears on the screen. The file name includes the date, time, and serial number of the device.
Note:The device can capture most screens. When pop-up windows are displayed, the device sometimes captures the underlying screen only.
The screenshot images are stored with the log files. The device can store up to three screenshots for a maximum of 7 days. After 7 days, the files are deleted. If more than three screenshots are taken, the older files are deleted.
The Enhanced Logging feature enables the device to capture additional logs for specific functions or activities. A Xerox service representative can use the additional logs to investigate non-repeatable or intermittent device issues.
Note:The device supports enhanced logging for a maximum of three features at a time and also supports increased data analysis.
For information about configuring support log settings, refer to the
System Administrator Guide at