Orientation allows you to select the direction that the page prints.
To locate orientation options in Windows, on the Document Options tab, click Orientation.
Note:The orientation setting in your application print dialog box can override the orientation options in the print driver.
To locate orientation options on Macintosh, in the Print window, click Show Details.
The following options are available:
Portrait: Orients the paper so that the text and images print across the short dimension of the paper.
Representation of Portrait orientation icon.
Landscape: Orients the paper so that the text and images print across the long dimension of the paper.
Representation of Landscape orientation icon.
Rotated Landscape: Orients the paper so that the content is rotated 180 degrees and with the long bottom side up.
Representation of Rotated Landscape orientation icon.
Note:For Macintosh, to print portrait text and images in landscape orientation, clear the Auto Rotate check box.