Printing Insert Pages
You can add blank or pre-printed insert pages before page one of each document or after designated pages within a document. The addition of an insert after designated pages within a document separates sections, or acts as a marker or placeholder. Ensure that you specify the paper to use for the insert pages.
In the Inserts window, you can set the location, characteristics, and paper settings for the insert pages:
• Inserts: This option allows you to select where to place the insert.
• Quantity: Use this option to specify the number of pages to insert at each location.
• Pages: Use this option to specify where to place the inserts within the job. Separate individual pages or page ranges with commas. Specify pages within a range with a hyphen. For example, to specify pages 1, 6, 9, 10, and 11, type 1,6,9-11.
• Paper Settings: This option allows you to select the paper size, color, and type to use for the insert pages. To use the same paper size, color, or type as the main body of the job, select Use Job Setting.