Xerox : Troubleshooting : Getting Help : Viewing Error and Alert Messages on the Control Panel
Viewing Error and Alert Messages on the Control Panel
When an error or warning condition occurs, the printer alerts you of the problem. A message appears on the control panel and the LED status light on the control panel flashes amber or red. Alerts inform you about printer conditions, such as low supplies or open doors that require your attention. Error messages warn you about printer conditions that prevent the printer from printing or degrade printing performance. If more than one condition occurs, only one appears on the control panel.
To view a complete list of active error and alert messages:
1. At the printer control panel, press the Home button.
2. Touch Device.
3. Touch Notifications.
4. Touch Faults & Alerts, Alerts, or Faults.
5. To view details, touch a fault or alert.
6. To exit the Notifications screen, touch X.
7. To return to the Home screen, press the Home button.