Xerox : Working With : Printing : Printing Features : Printing Annotations for Windows
Printing Annotations for Windows
An annotation is special-purpose text or an image that you can print across one or more pages. You can preview annotations in the Annotations Preview pane.
The annotations setup for your print job
This feature is available only on a Windows computer printing to a network printer.
Not all options listed are supported on all printers. Some options apply only to a specific printer model, configuration, operating system, or print driver type.
appears in the Annotations summary list. From this list, you can select an annotation to edit or delete.
To print an annotation:
1. In the print driver, click the Document Options tab.
2. Click the Annotations tab.
3. To add a text annotation, click Add Comment. Enter the text in the field, select the required settings, then click OK.
4. For a date or time stamp, click Add Time Stamp. Specify the date and time option, select the required settings, then click OK.
5. To add a picture annotation, click Add Picture. To locate the picture, click the Browse icon. Select the required settings, then click OK.
6. For each annotation, the following options are available:
To specify the font, click the Font button.
For a picture annotation, select the scaling option that specifies the size of the picture in relation to the original image. Use the arrows to scale the image in increments of 1%.
To define the angle of the annotation on the page, specify the position option. Or, to rotate the annotation left or right by increments of 1, use the arrows.
To define the location of the annotation on the page, specify the position option. Or, to move the annotation in each direction in increments of 1, use the arrows.
To adjust the transparency of the annotation, move the slider. To increase transparency, move the slider to the right, or to decrease transparency, move the slider to the left.
For Layering, select an option:
Print in Background: This option prints the annotation behind the text and graphics in the document.
Print in Foreground: This option prints the annotation over the text and graphics in the document.
For Pages, select the pages to print the annotation:
Print on All Pages: This option prints the annotation on all pages of your document.
Print on Page 1 Only: This option prints the annotation only on the first page of the document.
7. To save the annotation, click the Save Annotation icon.
8. To load a previously saved annotation, click the Load Annotation icon.
9. Click OK.