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Extended-Capacity Maintenance Kit, Phaser 8550/8560/8560MFP This item will not work with the Phaser 8500.

Extended-Capacity Maintenance Kit, Phaser 8550/8560/8560MFP Only
This easy-to-replace maintenance kit will keep your Xerox Phaser colour printer operating flawlessly up to three times longer than the standard-capacity maintenance kit, resulting in fewer interactions with the printer and lower costs-per-page—leaving you with fewer hassles and more time for carefree colour printing.
198,82 €
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Capacidade 30,000 pages
UPC 095205242416

Shipping Information

Height (in) 4 pol.
Length (in) 1,292 ft
Width (in) 4,25 pol.
Weight (lbs) 1,85 lb