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Página 3/6

Doctor showing a patient a chart on a tablet

Serviços para Gestão de Impressão

Oxleas NHS got rid of 640 unnecessary print devices and improved document security with our Managed Print Services. 

Estudo de Caso


Bank with ornate statues

Serviços para Gestão de Impressão

See how we’ve helped banks and financial services organisations improve the customer experience and save costs.   

Estudo de Caso


Three men in an office with lots of windows, looking at a pad of paper, with a Xerox MFP in the background

Serviços para Gestão de Impressão

How a smarter approach to your print environment can free up cash for growth.



Employees in a brightly lit office

Serviços para Gestão de Impressão

Read ‘Why Digitising Your Print Workflows is Such a Good Idea’ and learn to switch from print to digital



Happy people smiling and working in an office

Serviços para Gestão de Impressão

Xerox® MPS helps Harrow Council save on print and make strides toward a paper-light office and flexible working.

Estudo de Caso


ConnectKey security article

Serviços para Gestão de Impressão

If your printer isn’t right for your office, your document security’s at stake. Read 5 ways that happens.



Woman on a plane, using her smart phone and laptop

Serviços para Gestão de Impressão

Read this guide to learn how your organisation can use cloud solutions to speed up digital transformation.



Robotic hand interacting with a transparent touchscreen

Serviços para Gestão de Impressão

Learn how to enhance customer experience through digital transformation and gain a competitive edge.



A digital fingerprint with a lock icon over a lit-up computer chip

Serviços para Gestão de Impressão

Learn how to protect devices, documents and data and ensure your business is as secure and compliant as possible.

