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Minuteman Press Owner Shares his Experiences with the Xerox Versant Family of Presses

With the Xerox® Versant® Family of Presses, vivid, consistent colour, flawless registration and more are all push-button simple.

Watch these videos to see how a Minuteman Press owner transformed his print shop by making the switch from a legacy lithographic press to the Xerox® Versant® 3100 — and how you can too.

Achieve Flawless Registration And Colour Consistency

Minuteman Press Reviews the Xerox Versant Family of Presses YouTube Vídeo

“This machine can run 10,000 sheets of paper. The first one and the last one look identical. It’s truly amazing when you think about it. And the colour is as good a colour as I’ve ever seen.”

Reduce Your Overhead And Increase Profit

Offset vs. Digital Print: Comparing Overhead Costs YouTube Vídeo

“I think we make more money with a digital press because our overheads are much lower. I don’t have ink, chemicals, OSHA requirements with regards to venting…I don’t have any of that”

Boost Your Productivity With Perfect Registration

Xerox Versant Boosts Minuteman Press Productivity with Perfect Registration YouTube Vídeo

“I don’t see any difference in registration in this particular machine between running 20 pound bond, which is rare, or 14-point C2S. The registration is the same.”

Offer More With Greater Application Flexibility

Short-Run Books and Full-Color Envelopes with Xerox Versant YouTube Vídeo

“Where can you run 250 or 300 short run envelopes for a mailing — all with barcodes and variable data? Where else can you do that?”

A woman looking at a colorful brochure, in front of a Xerox Versant Press

Which Xerox® Versant® Press is right for you?

Xerox® Production Print Portfolio

See the industry’s broadest portfolio of digital presses and production printers. Explore

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