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Sustainability: It’s What Customers Want

Sustainable environmental, social and governance strategies are widely accepted business practices, but this wasn’t always the case. Xerox people know this because we pioneered many of these practices long before they became industry standards.

This is why Xerox is proud of the FTSE4Good Index Series’ perfect (5.0) score we received in each of their environmental, social, and governance categories. In addition, we were rated 96 (out of 100) on the overall environmental, social and governance (ESG) rating.

Even the most discerning customers require their partners to excel in these ESG metrics. Moreover, good performance on the ESG rating conforms to our shareholders’ expectations. That’s why you’ll find Xerox, and Xerox people, working hard to protect our environment, help our communities, promote diversity, and conduct business according to the highest ethical standards. Our environmental, social and governance value proposition is a key enabler for much of our revenue. We are, indeed, positioned for sustained success.

Links to more information

Xerox reports on corporate social responsibility

Social responsibility on Xerox Connect, our corporate blog

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