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Side 22/32

Students talking outdoors in winter clothes


See how Tulane University used Xerox® DocuShare® to devote more time and resources to serving students. 


2. mai 2021

Busy office with a Xerox VersaLink C505 MFP

Managed Print-tjenester

The City of New York is saving money, printing less and working more securely with Xerox® Managed Print Services.


2. mai 2021

people in conference room

Managed Print-tjenester

Innovation Solutions worked closely with Xerox and Superwave to monitor costs and print volume and developed a plan to reduce costs.


2. mai 2021

man standing at computer

Managed Print-tjenester

See how Xerox® Managed Print Services solution was able to help support Dimco's growing business needs.


2. mai 2021

Laptop screen showing graphs and charts

Managed Print-tjenester

Learn how Xerox's document digitisation solutions provided FST with the document scanning services they needed for 500 boxes of paper records.


2. mai 2021

XER209 Email CTA

Managed Print-tjenester

See what you should expect from a Managed Print Services provider and how the way your print environment is managed is key to digital transformation.


2. mai 2021

global professional services journey paperless future

Managed Print-tjenester

See how we’re helping a firm print better today and go paperless tomorrow.


2. mai 2021

Employees at desks in a busy office, with a Xerox MFP

Managed Print-tjenester

Your printers, scanners and copiers have a lot to contribute to your digital transformation initiatives – if you can get the right insights from them. These five steps should help. 


2. mai 2021

europart streamlines document management

Managed Print-tjenester

Learn how streamlining printer hardware, automating maintenance, and enabling access on-the-go can help keep your print environment efficient and effective.


2. mai 2021