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Pagina 1/3

Busy, fast paced office. People walking are blurred.

Enterprise Content Management

Zie hoe Arbet Aménagement de ideale werkruimte creëert met behulp van Xerox® DocuShare® om elektronische bestanden gemakkelijker dan ooit tevoren op te slaan en te beheren.


13 jan 2023

Aerial view of the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh at twilight

Enterprise Content Management

Hoe Xerox de overheid van Bangladesh hielp bevolkingsgegevens vast te leggen, op te slaan en te analyseren, zodat het land sociale voorzieningen effectiever kan leveren aan de mensen die dit nodig hebben.


11 mei 2021

A man typing on a laptop and tablet, overlaid with a digital web of connectors

Enterprise Content Management

Zie hoe het Survey & Land Registration Bureau van Bahrein eigendomsgegevens digitaliseerde en beveiligde met Xerox® DocuShare®.


5 mei 2021

Laptop screen showing graphs and charts

Enterprise Content Management

Family Service Toronto maakte een einde aan zijn papierproblemen met document digitalisering, procesversnelling en nog veel meer.


2 mei 2021

CTH Group building

Enterprise Content Management

Zie hoe de CTH Groupe zijn productinformatiestroom stroomlijnde met Xerox® DocuShare®.


2 mei 2021

Photo of city buildings looking upward from street level

Enterprise Content Management

See how the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services overhauled forms and claims processing with greater security using Xerox® DocuShare®, reducing claims processing time by 90%.


6 feb 2024

Hand putting envelopes in mailbox

Enterprise Content Management

Xerox helped us implement a new system quickly and efficiently, without any significant set up time and with the immediate and continued support of the relevant people.


1 jul 2021

Icons overlaying hands on keyboard

Enterprise Content Management

See how financial services firm, Freedman & Co., used Xerox® DocuShare® to digitise and easily manage volumes of sensitive client files, ultimately helping spur a decade of growth.


25 jun 2021

Office space with people walking around and sitting at their desks.

Enterprise Content Management

Discover how a prominent law firm maximises efficiency with Xerox DocuShare, an advanced electronic file storage and management solution. Streamlining the organisation of research files and case documents for quick retrieval.


15 jun 2021