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Half gallon bottle of hand sanitizer

A propos de Xerox

As the first bottles of hand sanitizer rolled off a Xerox production line in Ontario and Webster, N.Y., more than a dozen employees—wearing protective gear and employing social distancing—were on hand in both locations to celebrate a feat of applied mater


2 mai 2021

Woman at a long shared desk, sorting papers

A propos de Xerox

Xerox Vice President of Global Partner Marketing Amy Belcher has been chosen by the CRN editorial staff to receive the 2020 Channel Chief Award.


2 mai 2021

colorful illustration book

Impression de production

To help designers understand the power of the Iridesse, Hobs worked with Xerox to create invaluable reference tools, including metallic swatch books and Spellbound: A grimoire of magical digital print.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

An open book with the title "Art of the possible, chapter two" on the right page and a colorful picture with a rainbow, sun, sky and wizard on the left page.

Impression de production

After extensive research, Hobs Repro replaced two of their HP Indigo printers with the Xerox® Iridesse Production Press.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

woman checking her phone


Boost your knowledge and fortify your preventative measures now by learning about today’s biggest small business security threats and the solid solutions to shut them down.


2 mai 2021

An array of colorful print samples with metallic, fluorescent, and clear ink, printed on the Xerox Iridesse Production Press

Impression de production

The European Digital Press Association honored Iridesse for achievement in cost, efficiency and quality.


2 mai 2021

Two colleagues doing a fist bump

A propos de Xerox

We align our reputation with our brand through providing authentic, ethical and valuable initiatives.


2 mai 2021

Digital Printing Production

Impression de production

Wisconsin print shop speeds up prep time so they can handle more jobs each day.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

Stylized picture of a small sailboat and giant iceberg

Impression de production

The Total Cost of Ownership of an Inkjet Press


2 mai 2021