Xerox Stands with the Obama Administration on Climate Pledge
More big businesses are choosing decisive action on the environment amid the ongoing political debate over climate change. Xerox today renews its membership in that group.
Our company today signed a climate change pledge at the White House during a half-day event organized by the Obama Administration and chaired by Vice President Joe Biden.
As we have in the past, we're committing to invest in clean energy and make even greater reductions in greenhouse gas emissions . We'll be looking to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy consumption by an additional 20 percent by 2020, from our 2012 baseline.
Our commitment was announced at the White House Summit on Climate and the Road through Paris as part of the American Business Act on Climate Pledge, taken by several dozen of the nation's largest companies.
The Summit on Climate and the Road through Paris gathered leaders from the government, private sector, academic, technical and scientific communities to focus on cross-sector efforts to tackle the climate change challenge here in the United States as well as on a global scale.
Xerox has been committed to aggressive and continuous environmental improvements for many years. Between the years 2003 and 2012, for example, we cut greenhouse gases by 42 percent and energy consumption by 31 percent.
But this is more than a climate change pledge: Xerox is actively engaged. You could say that our commitment to the environment began in 1969 when we introduced energy-saving features on our copiers.
We agree with President Obama: As the world looks toward global climate negotiations in Paris this December, American leadership at all levels will be essential.