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production print documents

Impression de production

Explore the latest trends and solutions in print operations with Printweek’s special supplement, sponsored by Xerox. Gain insights into digital transformation, efficiency, and sustainability for your print business.

Livre blanc

15 avr. 2024

Person in a darkened room peering at a large monitor

Impression de production

Join our Xerox virtual webinar to help streamline your pre-press workflow and say goodbye to touchpoints and bottlenecks.


7 nov. 2023

Fluorescent print samples by Xerox

Impression de production

Turn potential into profit. Meet the demand for print that “pops” with revenue-driving digital embellishments.


23 févr. 2022

Photo of a highway underpass at night with streaking car headlights and taillights

Impression de production

Exploiter tous les avantages des flux de travail. Partage d’expériences d’utilisation réelles des solutions de flux de travail Xerox®.

Étude de cas

17 nov. 2021

College professor teaching a class

Impression de production

UC Davis increased print speed, boosted productivity and added clear and gold inks to their capabilities by upgrading to Xerox Iridesse digital production printing presses.

Étude de cas

19 sept. 2021

Overhead view of graphic designers using Xerox FreeFlow Core

Impression de production

Dreams really do come true with print workflow automation — more efficiency, higher profits and happier customers.


17 sept. 2021

Mother reading to child

Impression de production

Découvrez comment Partou Childcare a considérablement augmenté ses taux d'inscription, grâce à une campagne de publipostage et d'Internet extrêmement personnalisée.


28 août 2021

Boris Makarenkov, operational director, T8

Impression de production

A digital book printer explains why his business provides a huge value to publishers, and how Xerox supports them.


11 mai 2021

Magazine pages with a photo of a dog and the headline "TOP TIPS for Brutus. 5 steps to enviable behavoir"

Impression de production

Expand your applications and explore new paths to profitability — with inkjet and Xerox® High Fusion Inks.  


3 mai 2021