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Artur Chęsy, CEO of Drukarnia Pozkal

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CEO of Drukarnia Pozkal discusses evolving from offset to digital hybrid book printing technologies.  


2 mai 2021

Digital Printing Production

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It’s the process of printing digital-based images directly onto a variety of media substrates. And we’re experts. 


2 mai 2021

Coworkers looking at printed reports

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Print businesses who combine web-to-print with management information systems unlock the secret to productivity.


2 mai 2021

Black and white photo of a white horse, with the word "Equine"

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Award-winning ink’s striking contrast proves special effects aren’t just for Hollywood.


2 mai 2021

strategies for selling variable data

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It’s time to take a different route to selling variable data printing


2 mai 2021

color paper clips

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Using color to share knowledge can help capture attention, enhance productivity and improve communications.


2 mai 2021

Black and white print samples featuring a motorcycle

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Speed, quality and unsurpassed reliability. There is no substitute for great images.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

colorful illustration book

Impression de production

To help designers understand the power of the Iridesse, Hobs worked with Xerox to create invaluable reference tools, including metallic swatch books and Spellbound: A grimoire of magical digital print.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

An open book with the title "Art of the possible, chapter two" on the right page and a colorful picture with a rainbow, sun, sky and wizard on the left page.

Impression de production

After extensive research, Hobs Repro replaced two of their HP Indigo printers with the Xerox® Iridesse Production Press.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021