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Doctor showing a patient a chart on a tablet

Service de gestion d'impression

Oxleas NHS got rid of 640 unnecessary print devices and improved document security with our Managed Print Services. 

Étude de cas

13 mai 2021

Boris Makarenkov, operational director, T8

Impression de production

A digital book printer explains why his business provides a huge value to publishers, and how Xerox supports them.


11 mai 2021

Happy people smiling and working in an office

Service de gestion d'impression

Xerox® MPS helps Harrow Council save on print and make strides toward a paper-light office and flexible working.

Étude de cas

8 mai 2021

Person writing on a pad of paper while using a tablet, with a laptop nearby

Enterprise Content Management

See how Volksbank Romania used Xerox® DocuShare® to provide a better banking experience to their customers.

Étude de cas

5 mai 2021

Magazine pages with a photo of a dog and the headline "TOP TIPS for Brutus. 5 steps to enviable behavoir"

Impression de production

Expand your applications and explore new paths to profitability — with inkjet and Xerox® High Fusion Inks.  


3 mai 2021

Person in a blazer with frilly sleeves reviewing books of print samples

Impression de production

Arkitektkopia, headquarted in Stockholm, have embraced the latest printing and automation software technologies from Xerox to meet their clients' needs.

Étude de cas

2 mai 2021

Retro black and white photo of a woman making copies


Learn about different types of laser printers and determine which one is the best laser printer for your office.


2 mai 2021

XER155 Julien Web Assets


Machine reading has long been a dream for AI technologists – and it’s closer than you think.


2 mai 2021

Woman in a store aisle looking at a printed box

Impression de production

Thinfilm and Xerox embark on a deal to mass produce printed electronic chips for packaged goods.


2 mai 2021