Simply Streamline your Workflow.
Xerox is offering a free virtual training webinar that will demonstrate ways for you to apply and successfully take advantage of the powerful capabilities FreeFlow Core offers, eliminating touchpoints and bottlenecks from your pre-press workflow.
Who should attend?
Do you want help getting started using FreeFlow Core in your pre-press department? Do you need help identifying opportunities for how FreeFlow Core can help your pre-press workflow? Are you struggling to implement automated workflows with FreeFlow Core?
Getting Started with FreeFlow Core is virtual training and overview for pre-press, operations, and IT staff of Xerox FreeFlow Core Customers – the people responsible for preparing jobs for print.
If you have a Xerox FreeFlow Core software and you are looking to streamline your workflow, ease pain points, and remove touchpoints – this virtual training is for you!
If you do not have FreeFlow Core but are interested in finding out more, this virtual session is for you! What better way to learn about its powerful capabilities than to see it in action (for free!)?
What does the training cover?
Focus on how FreeFlow Core can help you with your most pressing pre-press issues
Understand what is possible with FreeFlow Core and how to make it work
Eliminate waste and errors with preflight and optimization
Optimize layouts and the flow of jobs with imposition and output routing
Automatically edit files, add content, and apply Beyond CMYK embellishments
Who is delivering the training?
The Zimmet Group Xerox in partnership with Xerox subject matter experts.
Zimmet Group develops performance-oriented marketing and training programs that help your people and your brand work harder, smarter, and more strategically. They are so passionate about performance improvement that they have built proprietary processes to help their partners achieve it.

Xerox® FreeFlow® Core
FreeFlow Core elimina los pasos manuales de preimpresión, reduce costes y errores, mejora la productividad y se integra con los sistemas tecnológicos existentes para mejorar su flujo de trabajo de preimpresión.

Software de automatización de flujos de trabajo Xerox® FreeFlow
Deje de malgastar sus beneficios con tareas manuales. Haga que su flujo de trabajo funcione — automáticamente.
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