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Yogesh Torani, managing director of Germany-based Books on Demand

Impresión de producción

Book printer Torani says taking care of the whole value chain is critical for print-on-demand book publishing.


2 may 2021

Dr. Gerd Roberts, CEO of Germany-based Books on Demand

Impresión de producción

Books on Demand CEO discusses print-on-demand fueling growth in fiction and science publishing, and Xerox’s role.  


2 may 2021

Ralf Schlözer, director, Keypoint Intelligence

Impresión de producción

Ralf Schlözer discusses how book printing has gone from mass production to highly local, custom production.


2 may 2021

Artur Chęsy, CEO of Drukarnia Pozkal

Impresión de producción

CEO of Drukarnia Pozkal discusses evolving from offset to digital hybrid book printing technologies.  


2 may 2021

Digital Printing Production

Impresión de producción

It’s the process of printing digital-based images directly onto a variety of media substrates. And we’re experts. 


2 may 2021

Gold stars

Acerca de Xerox

Xerox, con un legado de innovación que ayuda a hacer del mundo un lugar más sostenible, cuenta con el honor de haber recibido el premio ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year 2022.


2 may 2021

Co-workers working together at a jumble of desks

Servicios Gestionados de Impresión

See what analysts are saying about the transformative power of Xerox® Managed Print Services.


2 may 2021

washington dc monument

Servicios Gestionados de Impresión

See how this university is using resources more strategically with Xerox® Managed Print Services.

Caso de Estudio

2 may 2021

Hands holding a tablet with a photo of plants on the screen

Acerca de Xerox

See how innovative programs at Xerox can help ensure a better world for future generations.


2 may 2021