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Doctor inputting data into a tablet.

Making Patient Care More Secure with Xerox® Workplace Solutions​

Xerox® Workplace Solutions provides healthcare providers with advanced MFP access control and pull printing to protect patient data. Whether at a nursing station or remotely, print jobs can be sent securely from any PC or mobile device without needing local network connections. Secure access offers single sign-on to scan patient information directly into back-end systems, and event logging ensures an audit trail for regulatory compliance. Maintain robust data protection while keeping convenience and productivity high, enabling healthcare professionals to focus on better patient outcomes.

How We Can Help

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Instant Access to Critical Information​

With Xerox® Workplace Solutions, healthcare staff can securely print critical documents such as clinical policies and patient records from any device, at any location. The flexibility of mobile printing and scanning enables smooth operations, whether at the hospital, hospice, or during remote care.

judicial records

Stay compliant with regulations using Xerox® Workplace Solutions’ audit trail capabilities, which track document access and printing activity. Robust authentication methods, secure print release options, and comprehensive access controls protect patient confidentiality.

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If your organization uses EPIC or Cerner, you need a Print Management solution that can work with your infrastructure. Xerox® Workplace Solutions can securely hold print jobs from these systems* in a queue, preventing them from being seen on the output tray by unintended users. With our ability to extract user information from these jobs, your workforce can release all jobs together, whether sent from mobile or mainframe, and all with a full audit trail to track who printed what, where, and when.

*Currently available in Xerox® Workplace Suite and soon available in Xerox® Workplace Cloud.

Man using a phone, with a view of his office in the background

Las soluciones para el lugar de trabajo de Xerox®

La plataforma de software completa para autenticación, seguridad, control de costes y movilidad.

BLI 2024 Smart Workplace Solutions Line of the Year Seal

BLI 2024 Smart Workplace Solutions Line of the Year​

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