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Man using tablet in a retail store

Servicios Gestionados de Impresión

Xerox® Managed Print Services helped Baumax eliminate inefficiencies and optimize their equipment fleet.

Caso de Estudio


Woman editing graphs on a laptop

Servicios Gestionados de Impresión

Digital Transformation in Service of Customer Responsiveness

Caso de Estudio


Co-workers looking at charts in a meeting room

Enterprise Content Management

Xerox rediseña la gestión de la sala de correo de una empresa global de gestión de siniestros para convertirla en una oficina sin papeles.

Caso de Estudio


Woman printing from a tablet to a Xerox printer

Servicios Gestionados de Impresión

Insurance Contracts Printed Faster, for Less

Caso de Estudio


Tasha Carter

Impresión de producción

See how Tasha Carter and the Digital Learning Academy (DLA) at the YWCA of Greater Los Angeles are helping the underprivileged fill a widening talent gap in the printing business.

Caso de Estudio


Two colleagues doing a fist bump

Servicios Gestionados de Impresión

Read how we partner with customers to map inefficient workflow steps and reshape processes into better ones.



Smiling doctor looking at patient records on a laptop

Cuidado de la salud

Xerox is improving access to patient data and freeing up hospital space for Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Caso de Estudio


A pair of glasses sitting on a laptop keyboard


Problem-solving skills are not difficult to attain once we know how to organize them into steps



Cross media personalized content showing on a brochure, tablet, and smartphone

Impresión de producción

Enter the next generation of personalization through disruptive marketing with XMPie®

