ProfitQuick is a financial modeling tool that can help you evaluate your Xerox printing systems, plus generate customized profit and cash flow reports for your production printing business.
Understand the true cost of doing business to maximise your productivity, cost savings, and profit
Used by a team of Xerox experts who will observe and analyse your daily business, workflow, and key jobs
The Xerox experts will create a customised workflow recommendation based on cost and time saving analyses, detailed reports, and quantified cost and time benefits statements from the Investment Planner
Job Estimation Tool:
Maximise your profitability: Enables you to easily determine digital vs. offset printing cost-and-profit comparisons for any job run length
See the breakeven point between offset and digital workflows for your job
Forecast cost savings over months and years by integrating digital capabilities into your business, enabling you to plan for business growth
Discover how digital technology provides improved margins by reducing makeready and other prepress costs
Business Planner:
Develop a five-year customised profit and cash flow analysis for Xerox production equipment
Learn which applications are most profitable
Determine the page volumes needed to become cash flow positive
Show the impact of quick turnaround and variable pricing premiums
Contains three modules: 1) Investment Planner, 2) Job Estination Tool, and 3) Business Planner
Completely customisable for your particular applications, workflows, costs and equipment
Produces easy to understand reports with intuitive charts and graphs
Includes sensitivity analysis to market factors such as growth, turnaround time and variable data premiums
Provides easy "what if" analysis to help you make favourable long range business decisions
Analyses the entire workflow from database management to mailing and distribution
Part of the ProfitAccelerator™ series of business development tools and strategies in the ProfitAccelerator Digital Business Resources collection
Key Applications
Ideal business planning and analysis tool for all production printing environments, including:
Software processor and speed: 133 MHz Pentium®-class processor
Required disk space: 150 MB
Minimum RAM required: 128 MB
Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition / Professional, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 Service Pack 6a
Display: 1024 x 768 or higher resolution display
Software Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher