Big Productivity for the Big Apple with Xerox® Managed Print Services
The City of New York needed to find a way to consolidate print management across 38 agencies and thousands of print devices. Read the case study to see why Xerox® Managed Print Services (MPS) was the ideal solution.
With a phased rollout and a suite of agency-specific services, the City of New York is saving money, printing less and working more securely. These newfound efficiencies have also led to new levels of productivity and citizen service.
City of New York Highlights
$58M in total citywide savings to date
49% average savings per participating agency
Half of city agencies are in process or fully implemented
More than 51% reduction in print equipment
9,000 devices currently under management
70% reduction in energy use, 68% decrease in solid waste, 71% decrease in greenhouse gasses among participating agencies
99.8% equipment user uptime
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See how Xerox® MPS can help your organization take control of your print infrastructure and get more done.

Managed Print Services
Im Rahmen von Managed Print Services (MPS) bieten wir eine Reihe von Kernfunktionen, darunter Arbeitsplatzbewertungen und Druckmanagement sowie digitale Transformationsfunktionen.
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Zero Trust an erster Stelle.
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