Xerox Named One of America’s Most Responsible Companies by Newsweek for Fourth Consecutive Year
Xerox has been recognized by Newsweek as one of America’s Most Responsible Companies, an accolade earned every year since the list launched in 2020. The 2023 list features 500 of the largest public corporations in the U.S., each evaluated based on quantitative data and consumer perceptions related to Environment, Social and Corporate Governance. Xerox comes in at 206, up more than 100 spots from 2022.
“At Xerox, we take our role as a global corporate citizen seriously and work tirelessly to make an impact on our people, our communities and our planet,” said Michele Cahn, vice president of Global Government Affairs, Sustainability, Citizenship & Compliance at Xerox. “It’s an honor to be recognized by Newsweek along with other esteemed companies that share our commitment to driving meaningful progress in all areas of corporate social responsibility.”
Newsweek partnered with leading global research and data firm Statista to holistically evaluate the 2,000 largest public companies by revenue in the U.S., assessing quantitative data from key performance indicators (KPIs) derived from corporate social responsibility reports, sustainability reports, and financial reports, among others, as well as an independent survey about U.S. citizens’ perceptions of these companies’ corporate social responsibility activities.
Learn more about Xerox’s corporate social responsibility efforts in our most recent Corporate Social Responsibility report.
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