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business Graph Expo 2011 Edition
For example, Bradesco, one of the largest banks in the world,
along with their service provider
, used
to repurpose a black-and-white legacy statement
into a full-color TransPromo document—adding tailored
marketing messages to transactional statements. Bradesco saw
immediate results in customer acquisition and ABNote is now
able to deliver the benefits of legacy repurposing to all of
its clients.
Ultimately, legacy applications are not going away any time soon
and legacy repurposing provides a low risk, cost effective solution
for service providers to enhance legacy applications and expand
service offering while significantly reducing time-to-market for
new applications. As the market becomes ever more competitive,
whether you’re a service provider or in-plant operation, it’s vital
to ensure that legacy applications don’t stifle your future
business growth.
Scott Baker is Vice President of Worldwide Channels at
and has spent over 20 years in business
development, strategic alliance, and partner management
within the enterprise output management, ECM and business
intelligence software markets.
Tied to the end customers’ complex data structures and obsolete
mainframe software, legacy applications have left many service
providers in a difficult position when trying to deliver more
innovative customer communications.
For many, the ideal situation would be to start from scratch—
working with the original data and gaining full control over
the document template. However, many enterprises can only
supply composed print files to service providers and changing
the backend structures of existing applications is a risky, time-
consuming and sometimes impossible process.
Consequently, many enterprises are forced to retain legacy
applications and service providers are unable to deliver
more attractive, innovative communications to their end
customers. The cost of doing nothing incurs a large, hidden
price tag. Costs include huge sums to maintain older programs,
lost opportunities to expand service offering and, most
importantly, delayed time-to-market due to lengthy application
development times.
For those that find themselves in a similar situation, there is
another option known as legacy repurposing—reusing the
contents of a document template in a more effective way
combined with the addition of new content from different
sources. Specific customer communication solutions can read
the content of existing print data streams and enable service
providers to add color, variable images, marketing messages,
dynamic graphs and much more to a document template without
the need to touch any backend systems and processes.
These solutions take the existing information, extract it, reformat
it and can combine it with other targeted data for highly
personalized, full-digital color communications. These same
document templates can even be repurposed for delivery through
digital channels such as email and mobile devices.
Are Legacy Applications Stifling
your Growth?
by Scott Baker
Till Death
Us Do Part