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business Graph Expo 2011 Edition
The technology seems to be in place to deliver highly
personalized communications, yet most of the promotions we
receive are pretty generic.
Lightly targeted communications are due to technical challenges
that manifest in the inability to access relevant content. Plenty
of content is being generated throughout organizations, but
unfortunately, it is often only available to the specific system it
originally served; marketing promotions and graphics are locked
away for use in brochures, purchase history data is used only for
billing and so on.
Because sharing content in this manner is expensive, companies
need lots of justification to do so. With a tool such as
these costs are substantially reduced or
eliminated. The content is centrally managed, making it
accessible by any system while also being tightly controlled.
Many companies use a bottom-up method structured around a
specific system and project when a top-down approach would
be better. Here are some characteristics and benefits of starting
at the top, keeping in mind that a good system has the ability to
tightly control workflow, participation and processes:
Collaboration Across Different Lines of Business
Participation from people outside the core project is often
required but can cause bottlenecks. Good collaboration sits atop
the entire enterprise, integrating people into the workflow on an
as needed” basis.
Application Agnostic Workflows
Like the content they create, the business users themselves need
liberation to work together regardless of their application. Though
each group has a focus on a type of project, many also need to
participate in ancillary ways between departments, providing
approvals and performing other tasks. The ability to tie in and
track work done in different applications brings the entire team
into the project with limited disruption in their day-to-day work.
Centralized Content Management
This allows users to create the content needed for the primary
system while also making it available to other applications. When
content is shared globally, it reduces the possibility of using
incorrect versions and minimizes duplication of effort.
These changes can provide vast improvements to the bottom
line. Liberating content and resources streamlines the process
associated with current projects and makes good on the promise
of results from personalized client communications.
Denise Davert is Senior Vice President of Marketing
of California-based Elixir Technologies Corporation.
For more information, please visit
What’s Really Stopping Us?
Content value increases exponentially
when shared across projects
by Denise Davert