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34 Business Development Catalog

Highlight Color Design & Printing Guide

This guide helps graphic designers and equipment operators leverage the powerful, business-building capabilities of Xerox ® highlight color systems. It includes design and production tips, FAQs, an overview of highlight color systems and more.

Company Users

> Sales and Marketing > Operations

DocuTech ® Highlight Color

This practical guide shows how to better convey your messages and enhance your business documents with the use of highlight color. Learn how to evaluate business documents and determine how to best apply highlight color for maximum results by using a few commonsense guidelines.

Company Users

> Executives > Operations



A Design Guide for Black-and-White Cut-Sheet Production

This hands-on reference tool helps designers, printers and others designing and preparing fles for production on the Xerox Nuvera ® Digital Production System, as well as on the Xerox ® DocuTech ® Production Publisher and DocuPrint ® Enterprise Printing System, achieve great results the frst time and every time. Use this guide to explore the broad array of black-and-white printing capabilities, including the artful integration of color and the technical considerations for ­delivering fles that will ensure fawless production and outstanding results.

Company Users

> Sales and Marketing > Operations


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