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8 Business Development Catalog

Xerox Production Brochure

Learn more about the many ways working with Xerox can help you take full advantage of an immense and growing digital market. This brochure introduces you to new applications and services that were never before possible, and outlines how businesses both large and small can thrive in the world of digital print through the right business model, the right workfow and the right technology.

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> Executives > Sales and Marketing > Operations

RealBusiness Magazine

RealBusiness is a dynamic collection of customer-focused articles designed to educate and inform graphic arts and information technology executives, in-house printing professionals and marketing and fnance executives about the signifcant value of networked digital documents through digital printing. It offers interesting and detailed discussions of how others have benefted from taking innovative approaches to their businesses. Whether your goal is improved workfow, higher response rates, faster turnarounds or simply gaining digital printing know-how, this magazine will give you the facts to make the right decisions for your business.

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> Executives > Sales and Marketing

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